teacher teaching girl

Every child is different. They all have their own learning speed and capacity. Some kids are fast learners whereas some are slow learners. Each child has its own learning style.

Hence, teachers must cater to all students and employ different teaching strategies to facilitate all of them.

However, a question may pop in your head:

What is a Weak Student?

This term may have a negative connotation attached to it. The term “Weak students” usually refers to the students who lack focus, have trouble paying attention in the class, and have lower than average learning capacity.

However, it is a faulty notion. In our view, there are no weak students. Each child is different and they all have different learning styles. The fault lies in the system, not the students. It is possible that the teaching method the teacher is using may not be working for a few students. 

First of all, we must ditch the term “weak students” and make sure never to refer to the students as weak. Especially in front of them as they might internalize this belief and may stop working towards reaching their full potential.

Hence, we must lose this term and use encouraging vocabulary instead.

Such as:

  • Slow learners
  • Different learners
  • Student with special needs
  • Gifted learners

Here are a few suggestions as to what teaching methods you can employ to make their learning better:

1- Do not Shame them:

It is important that you do not call out the student in front of the whole class as it may cause them to get embarrassed. As a consequence, the students may become self-conscious and stubborn. This may cause their grades to drop even lower. 

Hence, it is essential that you never shame your students in front of the whole class. It is advised that you talk to them privately. 

2- Investigate:

If a student is struggling to keep up with his peers then it is possible that there might be a problem that is hindering his growth. It is your responsibility as a teacher to talk to the student and recognize the problem that appears to be the root cause.

There might be a personal issue that is causing him to be absent-minded. Therefore, it is essential to empathize with the child to help him get through.  

3. Underlying Mental Health Issues: 

Make sure that the student is not going through any mental health issues. Academic shortcomings may cause the student to become anxious or depressed. These mental disorders can cause a serious dent to the student’s academic performance.

This is why it is essential that you as a teacher or a parent talk to the child to detect any underlying mental health issues that may be the cause of all these problems. Schedule therapy sessions with the school counselor or the professional therapist if needed.

It is also possible that the child may have an underlying learning disability such as Dyslexia, ADHD, ADD etc. It is important to get a professional diagnosis if you have any doubts. Do not self diagnose.  

4. Encourage:

Once you have detected the root cause behind a student’s underperformance you must devise a plan to help him achieve his academic potential. You play a key role in this process.

Your words of encouragement mean a lot to the student. Hence, it is important that you are there to encourage the student to get back on his feet.

5. Devise a Schedule:

Some students have a problem with staying focused. They need a proper structure to study. Therefore, you can devise a study plan for the students with the parent’s cooperation to ensure improvement in their grades.

Some students have a shorter attention span. You can cut the study time into smaller segments to facilitate the student’s learning.

6. Revise, Revise, Revise:

Revising is just as important as studying. Recalling the learned materials helps the students in the long run as it helps them retain information for longer periods of time.

7. Mock Tests:

Like revision, mock tests help cement the learned materials in the student’s head. Mock tests also prepare the students to get used to the exam pattern. This will help them stay relaxed on the real exam day. Moreover, mock tests also give a hint about the types of questions they can expect to get in the exam. 

This strategy has proved to be useful for students if they have already memorized the study material.

8. Online Tuitions:

Online tuitions or private tuitions can help your student get ahead in the subjects he is struggling with. Private tuitions will help the student get the teacher’s full attention which will help him learn better. 

If the teacher is unavailable to give the private tuitions to the student then, the parents may hire a private tutor or an online education platform. For example My Tutor Source is a tremendous online tuition service. They not only focus on the child’s learning style but also provide kind and empathetic teachers that are experts in their fields.

9. Different Teaching Method:

 If a teaching method is not working for some students then the teachers must employ different teaching methods to cater to the needs of all students. As we stated above, all students are different. Hence, the teacher must devise different teaching methods to ensure better learning for all students.

Well, that’s a wrap! What did you think about these suggestions?

Do you have a better suggestion to add to the list? 

Comment below and let us know! 

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