girl studying at home

Unlike an educational institution, Studying at or from home can feel very difficult because of numerous distractions. Be it your family, your mobile, Netflix, your cat, the internet, any object around you, etc. If nothing else distracts you, there is always a wall that is somehow more interesting than your work.

Studying at home is nothing like studying in a library or studying in a classroom. Studying at home is full of procrastination and distractions. You always have one thing or another that does not let you remain focused.

At this unprecedented time of COVD-19, when the whole world went upside down. It is important to play our part and adapt to the changes around us. Working and studying from home has become the new normal now. With this sudden change, some students are unable to manage their study routines from home.

Here are some tips that will help you in studying from home.

1. Dress Up!

It may sound absolutely crazy to some people but it is rule number one! You cannot feel the vibe of something unless you are dressed up appropriately for that. Hence, you cannot imagine being productive in your PJs.

Before starting to study, wear clothes that you used to wear at school. Once you dress up, you will feel fresh and ready to start the day. Dressing up is very important.

2. Say No to Bed

You cannot sit and study from your bed. No matter how dedicated and focused you think you will be, you just cannot study from your bed. A bed is meant for sleeping only.

It is not a space for studying or working. You will definitely get lazy while sitting in your bed no matter how much you try not to. Therefore it is best to avoid bed in every circumstance.

3. Appropriate Study Space

Make sure that you have a dedicated space where you sit and study. It can either be a corner of your room where you have a table set up or a proper study room in your house or a library in your house.

It can be anywhere in your house as long as that space is utilized for studying only. It should be noted that studying space should be free of distractions of all sorts. Once you dress up, go and sit in that space and you will feel more productive and focused than ever.

4. Establish a Routine & a Time Table

It is healthy to follow a routine throughout your day. Having a proper time table will divide your hours on things that are of keen importance to you. This way, all your tasks will be managed and handled efficiently and properly. What’s best is to have a time table just like the one you used to have at school.

This way your routine will not feel new to you. It will be easier to indulge in a pre-existing routine as one is already used to it. Or what you can do is, customize that timetable according to your preferences. You can add as many breaks as you want. Just do whatever helps you remain focused.

5. Keep Yourself Organized

While studying at home, make sure you keep yourself updated with daily tasks. Make a list of tasks that you are supposed to do for the day and make sure that you complete them. Check your homework or assignments given by instructors daily.

Check your school’s website and email daily to stay updated and organized. In case you fall behind on anything or miss something, make sure that you complete that as soon as possible so that you stay on track.

6. Notes and Flashcards

Always take notes when your professor is teaching. Taking notes and making cards will help you remember things for a long while. You can not expect to listen to the lecture over and over again to understand or revise some points.

In this way, you won’t only be wasting your time, you will also be utilizing your brain for something that is very unimportant.

7. Sleep Well

Sleep well at night so that you can have a good day. Not getting proper sleep can take a toll on your health. It will keep you lazy and distracted the next morning. Hence, you will be unable to perform well throughout the day.

Being unable to sleep will result in being unorganized, not having and following a proper routine, and many other cons too. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you take good sleep at night. It is important to stop using gadgets before sleeping or else you will be distracted and uneasy while sleeping.

8. You Are Not Alone

In these unforeseen and unprecedented times, it is okay to feel overwhelmed. Always remember that you are not alone. Seek help when you feel like you need it. Connect with your class-fellows and teachers.

Make groups on social media where you can interact with each other easily and share your problems. Do not forget to voice your thoughts and problems. If not for yourself, you might be able to help someone out who is feeling that same. Say strong and we will get through this. This too shall pass.


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